Friday, 4 April 2014

Dear Universe


The unexpected rain this morning gave way for the perfect excuse to sleep in till 10:00 but my mom had an emergency in the kitchen which led to a 7:00 am kitchen duty so one more fantasy ruined before time even hit noon. A thought, I should start blogging again just because I want to write again, anything for that matter since my long pause as a college student is still on, I don’t recall me holding a pen even and writing down something important since the past few days. I saw this notebook at a store one day the cover was black, it had colorful labels, it was chic and I wanted one but that pause gave me the perfect reason not to hand out my money not that I had a bunch but  because I didn’t need one, made a right decision then but not so much afterwards. This is me putting myself out there so the Universe would know I’m still breathing underneath all this fat and maybe it will decide to unveil all the riches I think it is hiding from me and deliver it at the front door because the timing could not be more perfect also I would like some new boots and a dozen of other things too and besides I’m pretty sure I read the signs as I saw it coming down like melting silver, dripping down from the grey cotton sky that I should do something today even if that means exercising this brain for a much needed cause, ‘Do I still know how to write my abc’s and put them into words’ cause, so I did something about it and now I’m waiting so ever impatiently for that gift. Dear Universe, I hope you expect nothing in return.

